Tonya D. Domokos Portfolio

Writing Samples
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Agony of De-Feet
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They Hold Each Other
childhood obesity story
Don't Let Your Church Become Your Religion

On this page, I'll type or scan some examples of my writing.

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When Two Become One   Column by TONYA DOMOKOS 
 Men and women really are different. I don’t mean just physically either. Last week I told you how I watched my husband sleep and was over come with thankfulness and love.  Let me tell you what I got for that. He told me he tried it one night. I mean he actually planned to watch me sleep. So there he was watching…and do you think he was filled with sweet romantic thoughts? Nooo… he was contemplating how long he could tickle my nose before I woke up.   But it really is funny how very different we are. It is amazing we ever get together the way our thoughts on love and relationships clash. But would we really have it any other way? For all the gripping we do about how they don’t understand us or how we don’t understand them isn’t that the very quality that also attracts to each other?  I got to actually feel what it must be like for men who have to attend business dinner functions, not for fun but as a working function.  In their minds they asked their wives to go so she can have a night out and he gets to share a small part of his work with the woman he loves.  Now in the wife’s mind, he ask her to go so they could be together. Have a nice meal-you know spend quality time together. A date.   Now imagine her disappointment when they get to the function, she’s all dressed up, he’s all dressed up and he goes off and leaves her most of the night to attend to his work.   He never realizes she thought of this night as a date, because to him it was work, but he thought she would enjoy it.  Well, maybe we are not so different after all. Because this happened to me, but I unfortunately was the one who had a business dinner and I never realized I had hurt my husband’s feelings because he thought it was a date. When I finally saw how I had hurt him I felt about two inches tall and I realized we woman can be just as quick to put our jobs first as we accuse men of doing.  And how did I react? The typical manly way.  I acted like he was the one who had miss understood.  But what I really felt was sadness. I had just wasted a great chance to spend quality time with the man I love. And when you have kids those chances get few and far between.  I also realized communication is vital in a relationship.  If I would have been clearer on why I had to attend he probably would not have even gone but I could have got my work done came home and then we could have been together.   So all in all maybe we aren’t so different after all because now I have to go and see if putting his hand in a pan of warm water while he sleeps will really make a person wet the bed.